Harry Potter: A History of Magic

Taal: nld
Categorie: Beeldende Kunst

Harry Potter: A History of Magic JK Rowling ventures behind the scenes of the British Library to reveal the real-life counterparts to her fantastical world. Plus, readings by actors from the films.

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BBC 2 28-10-2017 22:00 - 23:00 Harry Potter: A History of Magic
BBC 2 HD 28-10-2017 22:00 - 23:00 Harry Potter: A History of Magic
BBC 2 31-10-2017 00:15 - 01:15 Harry Potter: A History of Magic
BBC 2 HD 31-10-2017 00:15 - 01:15 Harry Potter: A History of Magic
BBC 2 HD 16-11-2017 01:15 - 02:15 Harry Potter: A History of Magic
BBC 2 16-11-2017 01:15 - 02:15 Harry Potter: A History of Magic
BBC 2 25-12-2017 11:00 - 12:00 Harry Potter: A History of Magic
BBC 2 HD 04-03-2021 20:00 - 21:00 Harry Potter: A History of Magic