Darkest Hour

Taal: nld
Categorie: Drama

Darkest Hour War drama depicting a critical period in the spring of 1940 where Prime Minister Winston Churchill is forced to choose between drawing up a peace treaty with Hitler or confronting his seemingly unstoppable forces. While many in Parliament are keen to negotiate a deal when the tide turns against the Allies, a sceptical King George VI watches on as Churchill abandons the nation's previous policy of appeasement and forges ahead with his plans to halt the Nazi onslaught. | Kijkwijzer: Take care with children under 9, programme contains fear and coarse language.

Uitgezonden op:

Canvas HD 27-09-2019 21:20 - 23:20 Darkest Hour
BBC 1 HD 09-05-2020 20:30 - 22:30 Darkest Hour
Net 5 HD 25-06-2021 23:15 - 01:50 Darkest Hour
SBS9 HD 29-06-2021 20:30 - 23:05 Darkest Hour
BBC 1 HD 10-07-2021 20:35 - 22:30 Darkest Hour
BBC 1 HD 04-06-2022 23:50 - 01:50 Darkest Hour
SBS9 HD 13-09-2022 20:30 - 23:00 Darkest Hour
Canvas HD 11-11-2022 22:05 - 00:10 Darkest Hour
BBC 1 HD 26-03-2023 23:30 - 01:25 Darkest Hour
BBC 1 HD 09-06-2024 21:00 - 23:00 Darkest Hour